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Interview with Kurmanov from Ice Rock Mining

On the World Digital Mining Summit 2018, we met with Kurmanov Dias, ICO manager of Ice Rock Mining.

- Please firstly introduce yourself.

- Hello, my name is Kurmanov Diaz and I’, ICO manager of Ice Rock Mining. More than one year had passed since we started our ICO, right now we are on the second phase our nvestors got returns on their investment so that’s a big plus, and we already raised 8.6 Million dollars. We are buying miners and putting them inside our facilities, and the first payout will be on the 8th of September, so everything’s going as planned.

- In your future plans, are you thinking of implementing cloudmining?

- Our plans are very big and we don’t exclude the possibility of implementing cloudmining, because it is a very nice opportunity for the people to buy the hash power and mine while sitting at home drinking tea. We have a very big facility and low electricity price, only three cents for one kilowatt, and in long-term implementing cloudmining is possible.

- As I understood, you we miners inside a mountain. What benefits does this have?

- First of all, the cave is in our hands, we don’t pay any rent. Second, electricity price is three cents per kilowatt, which is a very good price. But the biggest benefit is that since the temperature inside a cave is always +12 degrees, we do not need any cooling mechanisms to control the temperature.

- That sounds really nice. Thanks for your time and good luck with the project.

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